TORONTO, ONTARIO?(Marketwire ? March 6, 2012) - The Hon?ourable Maxime Bernier, Min?is?ter of State (Small Busi?ness and Tourism), today deliv?ered remarks at an awards lun?cheon held dur?ing the 20th Annual Hotel Asso?ci?a?tion of Canada Con?fer?ence. Min?is?ter of State Bernier also vis?ited the Cana?dian Restau?rant and Food?ser?vices Asso?ci?a?tion Show, the restau?rant industry?s largest event of the year, and met the win?ning chef of the Dis?cov?ered Culi?nary Competition.
?Tourism dri?ves growth and cre?ates jobs in every region of Canada,? said Min?is?ter of State Bernier. ?Tal?ented tourism entre?pre?neurs, like today?s award win?ners, ensure that Canada is an all-season inter?na?tional des?ti?na?tion worth explor?ing and is renowned for its world-class hos?pi?tal?ity and warm welcome.?
In his address, the Min?is?ter of State men?tioned a recent meet?ing between indus?try rep?re?sen?ta?tives and del?e?gates from over 15 fed?eral depart?ments and agen?cies that have a role in tourism. This meet?ing, a com?mit?ment under the government?s Fed?eral Tourism Strat?egy, was the first of its kind. More fre?quent col?lab?o?ra?tion between indus?try and gov?ern?ment will facil?i?tate the exchange of infor?ma?tion, enable indus?try to play a more strate?gic role with gov?ern?ment and fos?ter coor?di?nated and effec?tive action.
Min?is?ter of State Bernier went on to explain that efforts are being made to increase the pro?cess?ing time of visas for for?eign trav?ellers, high?light?ing the recent announce?ment by the Min?is?ter of Cit?i?zen?ship, Immi?gra?tion and Mul?ti?cul?tur?al?ism to increase the num?ber of visa appli?ca?tion cen?tres world?wide from 60 up to 150 by?2014.
Fol?low?ing the awards lun?cheon, the Min?is?ter of State toured the Cana?dian Restau?rant and Food?ser?vices Asso?ci?a?tion Show, at which the finals of the Dis?cov?ered Culi?nary Com?pe?ti?tion were being held. The win?ner of this com?pe?ti?tion, a four-month search for new Cana?dian culi?nary tal?ent, receives a unique cook?ing oppor?tu?nity in north?ern Spain. Min?is?ter of State Bernier met with the win?ning chef and cel?e?brated the exem?plary skills of Canada?s restau?rant personnel.
?Our gov?ern?ment is proud to pro?mote Canada to the world, know?ing busi?ness own?ers and oper?a?tors are ded?i?cated to the high?est level of cus?tomer ser?vice,? said Min?is?ter of State Bernier. ?We encour?age con?tin?ued train?ing and col?lab?o?ra?tion at every level to increase Canada?s appeal, to pro?mote an entre?pre?neur?ial spirit and to ensure that the tourism sec?tor cre?ates jobs and growth.?
To down?load a copy of the Fed?eral Tourism Strat?egy or for addi?tional infor?ma?tion, please visit the Sup?port?ing Tourism web?site (
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